Monday, September 1, 2008

An open book

I cant understand what you do to me.
opened up like a book
I let you look through
Teardrops fall in rhythm
breaking through this painful schism
I cant feel this anymore
this longing for a new door
In this epic reveal I give you my body to inspect
open my heart for you to dissect,
I answer every question
Succumbing to this inspection.
You take it all
watching as I fall
Let me bleed out on the floor
Mixed emotions oozing out, there is no cure.
Needs and wants get in between
Nothing remains unseen.
I want to feel you need me
I want you to really see.
Your eyes they wander gently across
taking in each curve of my body your words at a loss
I wish for you here at any cost

I take your heart
Shall never let it part
If you can take me, and all that you see
Will you accept my love for all that it is?
Just me!

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