Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A thought

Sometimes we look at life as a strait line. Never veering from the path before us. We walk ever so carefully treading slow, so as not to fall from our destiny.
Is our life already written out for us?

Are the choices we make worthless, for our destination is always the same?

We are born, and we die, but in between we live

So why not live to shape our own future. Why not live that life, that gift we have been given, as if it is our own. We are given the chance to truly make our own future. It is in fact our life. Make every breath you take a tribute to the wondrous gift we are given just to be able to wake up every day. If you have nothing else to live for, be thankful for the opportunity to just do that, just live. Instead of looking away when challenge arises, take those hardships and turn them into opportunities to create your own path.

Give all that you have to your own individuality for in the end, when you take your last look at the legacy you created, will you be satisfied with the choices you made? Or will you look back and wish you had taken that chance? Will you wish you had not done what was planned out for you, and that you had taken that turn in your life that led you to the truly amazing person you can be?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Kiss the sun

We move in circles,
round our life and back again.
Circling through decisions,
avoiding complications.
We follow our path as we are told.
Like the earth to the sun,
we obey our master.
The very one that burns our soul.
Avoiding getting knocked of,
our axis is tipped.
Our tops flipped.
We brake.
Start again.
Repetition is easier than originality.
Being original would mean being yourself.
That's a fate few would have.
To expose themselves,
and who they are.
They would rather hide and deny,
be someone else.
We let our lives melt, like stars
trying to kiss the sun.
Burnt up and forgotten,
they fall into oblivion.
A light once burning bright,
with no energy left to fight,
lost and forgotten.
It dies into the night.

An open book

I cant understand what you do to me.
opened up like a book
I let you look through
Teardrops fall in rhythm
breaking through this painful schism
I cant feel this anymore
this longing for a new door
In this epic reveal I give you my body to inspect
open my heart for you to dissect,
I answer every question
Succumbing to this inspection.
You take it all
watching as I fall
Let me bleed out on the floor
Mixed emotions oozing out, there is no cure.
Needs and wants get in between
Nothing remains unseen.
I want to feel you need me
I want you to really see.
Your eyes they wander gently across
taking in each curve of my body your words at a loss
I wish for you here at any cost

I take your heart
Shall never let it part
If you can take me, and all that you see
Will you accept my love for all that it is?
Just me!